Ananias Baptizes Saul

Day 164: Acts 9:1-25

“And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized; “ - Acts‬ ‭9:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

What a privilege for us to read today about the conversion of the most important man (arguably) to ever follow Jesus. It is so important that Luke finds it necessary to record the account three times (see Acts 22:1-16, 26:1-23).

Saul’s encounter with Jesus on this road is so intense that his retinas failed for three days. Here we also see that when Ananias prays for him, something like “scales” fall away from his eyes. The word for scales (lepis) appears only here in the New Testament, and it describes a thin layer (or flake) of substance.

Saul can now literally see, and for the first time, can see fully in a spiritual sense. He’s so convinced of Jesus’ Lordship that baptism is a must after an invitation from Ananias (see Acts 22:16).

Don’t get discouraged by those who have been slow to have any faith in Jesus. There is still hope for them. There is also hope for us. An expectation that we will, by faith (like Ananias), baptize many more into the name of Jesus Christ (see Acts 2:38).

"At this point the crucial initial transformation of Saul from a persecuting Pharisaic Jew to a zealous missionary for Christ is complete." - Witherington, B., III. (1998). The Acts of the Apostles (pp. 319–320)

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