Against You or For You?
Day 91: Luke 9:28-50
“John answered, ‘Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.’ But Jesus said to him, ‘Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you.”' - Luke 9:49-50 ESV
Being competitive is something that was deeply ingrained in me as a kid playing sports. This rival mentality has seemed to bleed into almost every area of my life, especially with those who do something similar to what I am. It also didn't help that my small hometown had four churches on four consecutive blocks.
Is it necessary for us to talk up our own church or ministry at the expense of another? Apparently, Jesus didn't think so. Sure, some are teaching false doctrine that contradicts the Bible, but many of us are doing this work side by side.
The disciples were engaged in too much small-minded thinking. Jesus' plan was expansive, something that would eventually reach the nations.
We will need each and every devout Christian in our communities (and across the world) to accomplish the mission Jesus laid out for us in Mark 16:15-16. May we link arms with one another and start reaching our true potential as the body of Christ!
By the way, when we start having this kind of mentality, it seems that Jesus blesses our own churches and ministries with a healthy kind of growth. Something to consider!
"In terms of the external ministry of the church, those who are not pitting themselves in direct and overt opposition to the ministry of Christ’s church, by virtue of the fact that they are not an obstacle, are indirectly a help. Here is a man who is involved in exorcism and in doing it he is promoting the ministry of Jesus. Whatever else the man understood, he understood that if there was any power to relieve people from demonic oppression it was associated with the power of Jesus Christ. The man was not undermining the ministry of Jesus. He was not against him; in fact, he was for him."
- Sproul, R. C. (1999). A Walk with God: An Exposition of Luke (p. 208)