A Proud Papa's Prophecy

Today's reading: Luke 1:57-80

'And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying, “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people."' - Luke 1:67-68 ESV

Can you imagine not being able to speak for nine months, especially while your wife was pregnant? This was Zechariah's experience. I wonder what would have been the first thing to come out of one of our mouths after this time? For Zechariah, the Holy Spirit had been filling him to the brim with a rich prophecy about his son and the greater work that God was up to that would go beyond John.

I mean, this guy was already prophesying that visitation and redemption and salvation had already taken place. He claimed that the entirety of time had led up to this one moment, and he was so glad that his family could play a small part.

Jesus would later confirm the claims of this proud Papa when he said, "...among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist." (Matthew 11:11)

Do you pray for your lineage like this? Do you pray that your descendants will carry on a strong faith in Jesus? A faith that will move the impregnable mountains of time and space in our culture?

Our Christian life isn't just about us finishing well. It is also about ensuring that future generations will bring light to those sitting in darkness so that Jesus' name will continue to be called on long after we are gone.

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