Living by the Spirit
Today's reading: Galatians 5:13-26
'If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.' - Galatians 5:25 ESV
Many of us have asked the question, "Who is it that is going to make it to heaven?" or "How can we know that we ourselves are headed there?"
In our passage today, Paul writes that there are some major indicators in our lives that will help us answer these two questions. In reality, we have two options as we live this life:
1) Walk by the flesh (sinful nature -- there's that "sarx" Greek word again)
2) Walk by the Spirit
I counted 17 different descriptions that Paul gives of those who are walking according to the flesh in verses 19-21. The list of 17 is interesting because all of them aren't illegal in the United States today. No one will go to prison for envying or drunkenness or idolatry. Yet the list is profound due to the evil that springs out of these evils -- darkness that WILL land you in prison.
Today's goal? Let the Holy Spirit produce the fruit with the 9 eternal life-giving facets: