I Fear
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 12:11-21
"For I fear...I fear..." - 2 Corinthians 12:20-21
One of the scariest things about living life is the fear that you will spend mass amounts of time and energy on something that matters to you and that it will amount to nothing. We want our investments to show gains, not just financially, but in every area of life.
Paul's phobeo (fear) is a real one that many of us have. He actually only uses the word once in the original language. So it is him saying "I fear" and then the dumping of an insane list of dark living that the people in Corinth had dwelt in before his arrival with the message of Jesus.
His nightmare was their return to the sin they had so radically denied. The fighting, The bad-mouthing. The defaming. The chaos. The sexual confusion. The feelings-driven-life. Ultimately, the abandonment of truth in exchange for the lies of the world.
So, is it worth the risk to invest in others if this is the real danger?
Yes, because some sweet Christian initially did the same for you.