Today’s reading: Acts 25:1-27
“...and about someone called Jesus who died, but whom Paul insists is alive.” - Acts 25:19
It was clear to Festus what the main issue was between the radical Jews and Paul: Jesus’ resurrection.
The literal Greek here is “a certain dead Jesus” (Newman/Nida).
Paul had staked his entire message on this claim that Jesus was, in fact and experience, risen and glorified.
Andy Stanley brings up a good point, “The resurrection serves as our apologetic or argument for the reliability of Christian Scripture.”
The message the early church relied upon was not a completed 27 book New Testament (that would come later). At this point, they were daily experiencing and proclaiming the message that Jesus was alive. Not only this, but that he also desires to resurrect us out of our sin and shame.
“...just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we may also live new lives.” - Romans 6:4
Is the resurrection of Jesus what non-Christians would most identify us with?