Because of Faith

Today’s reading: Romans 4:1-12

“But people are declared righteous because of their faith, not because of their work.” - Romans 4:5

This may disappoint some of us who work very hard to please God (and others) on a daily basis. We strive and strive to be good enough for God to accept us and show favor that we need.

Yet when we do this we have turned the Gospel around into something we can earn.

The two examples that Paul uses are interesting in these twelve verses.

First, he speaks of Abraham, who blatantly lied on more than one occasion because of fear (see Genesis 12:12-20). He also slept with his wife’s servant, Hagar.

Second, he speaks, and quotes a song, of David. A murderer, an adulterer, and a mess of a family man — David was not saved by his works. It was obvious that he was saved by his faith.

When we apply this to our lives, it is humbling. We want to be known as those who have their lives together. Yet there wouldn’t be a human on earth who could relate, those we desire to reach with Jesus’ love.