Eternity Written
Today’s reading: Romans 2:1-24
“They demonstrate God’s law is written within them...” - Romans 2:15
Romans chapter two isn’t the most talked-about chapter in the book, but it is one of the most fascinating. Paul is giving the Jews in Rome a firm rebuke for relying on their heritage and knowledge of God for salvation. Their lives remained unaffected by their understanding of God’s standards when it came to morality.
Yet the Gentiles were living proof of Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He has planted eternity in the human heart.” Even the individual tucked deep within an indigenous tribe — unaffected by the outside world — can know God and obey him in a primitive way that would put these Jews to shame.
So the question isn’t, “What do I know?”
The question should be, “How am I responding to what I do know?
The day is coming when Jesus “will judge everyone’s secret life” — May we be prepared for that day by faithfully (and obediently) responding to the invitation God has given us through Jesus.
All of us matter to God.