Mighty Speech, Mighty Action
Today’s reading: Acts 7:1-29
“Moses was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he became mighty in both speech and action.” - Acts 7:22
First, it is amazing that Stephen refuses to answer their question (7:1). Instead, he launches into a Spirit-led history of Israel.
When Stephen comes to the beginning of his nod to Moses (the ultimate Israelite hero), he has this description to offer in regards to the first 40 years of this one who started as a “beautiful” baby.
This description of Moses’ education isn’t found in the Old Testament, but only by Stephen (here) and by a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher named Philo (25 BC to AD 40). How does a Hellenistic table-waiter become on par with a famed philosopher?
God made Moses mighty in speech and action. Greek for might is dynatos, and it can also mean to be “possible” or “fit for service” or “able”.
May we believe that God will do the same for us, making us fit for service when we may feel the squeeze of inadequacy and the seeming impossibility before us.