Today’s reading: Acts 2
“Those who believed what Peter said were baptized...” - Acts 2:41
If you were only allowed to have one chapter available to you as you shared the Good News of Jesus, which would you choose? Acts chapter two would be an excellent choice.
In it, we see God at work (tongues of fire). God is always at work in the heart of unbelievers (though they may not know it, see John 16:8). The work of God sets us up to play our part.
Peter steps up to the plate and delivers the first sermon of the church, Pentecost Sunday as it’s called today. Peter spoke to what they already knew about God, meeting them where they were (Joel 2). He even sang their own songs to them (Psalm 16, 110). Yet he wasn’t afraid to confront them in their sin (2:23).
The entire message hinges on the resurrection (2:32-33), as does our faith.
The message inspires belief and a primitive confession (2:37), then Peter calls them to action (2:38). He calls them, at length, to legacy (2:39-40) and 3000 respond (2:41).
Who will you reach?
See more about how to share the gospel (and baptism) here: https://csfiupui.com/baptism