A Successful Life
Today’s reading: Acts 20
“My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” - Acts 20:24
What does a successful life look like, one we will look back on with minimal regrets?
Will it be a meaningful and lucrative career? Will it be a happy and healthy family? Will our success be dependent upon us staying healthy till we are 95? What about reaching a pinnacle of wealth and respect from others?
As Christians, we know that all of these ideas of success, even if excellently achieved, will be a failure if we haven’t told as many people as possible about the Good News of Jesus.
20:21 lays it out:
1) Tell them that the best life is one that turns from sin.
2) Tell them that the best life is the one where we trust completely in Jesus for all things: finances, family, career, etc.
Paul ends his time with the Ephesian elders on their knees in prayer. This is where we need to be as well.