Polarizing Preaching
Today’s reading: Acts 13:42-52, 14:1-7
“All who were appointed to eternal life became believers.” - Acts 13:48
Preaching will always be polarizing. Some will be open and believe, while others will refuse and reject the message.
This is probably the main cause for Christians not sharing their faith. The Barna Group has found that almost half of practicing Christian millennials think evangelism is wrong. Could this guarantee of rejection have anything to do with it?
The mob mentioned in verse 30 is enough to frighten any of us. Yet isn’t it worth the risk for the some who are appointed to eternal life?
Sharing the grace and truth of Jesus is risky. It exposes us to shame and humiliation — but isn’t this what Jesus himself endured even while on the cross? (see Isaiah 52:12-Isaiah 53:12)
Being identified with the Savior of the World should make us feel privileged and honored.
Some will never understand.
Yet we have to keep bouncing so that some will believe. 💪