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Today’s reading: Acts 9:1-25

“Saul’s preaching became more and more powerful...” - Acts 9:22

This opening phrase is actually one word in the Greek: ἐνδυναμόω endynamoō and it means to “strengthen”, “become strong”, or “cause to be able”.

Saul’s communicative ability had always been high as a Pharisee. It was his life’s work. Yet now there was something that had shifted in the way he was speaking. The Hebrew texts that he had memorized and poured over for so long were now soundly proving Jesus as the Messiah.

This may remind us of the description for Jesus’ teaching when compared to the religious leaders:

“He taught as one who had authority...” (Matthew 7:29). 

It wasn’t just an excitement in their voices. It was authoritative, it was obviously of divine origin.

Do you think God could use your voice in such a way? He has for centuries in ordinary people like you.

Check this out:

The filling of the Spirit which he had received gave his words a demonstrative power which could not be confuted. - F.F. Bruce
