Bled. Fled. Spread.
Today’s reading: Acts 7:51-60, 8:1-13
“But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went.” - Acts 8:4
Stephen is martyred in cold blood, and now an intense persecution breaks out among the Christians (non-apostles). The means the six remaining table-waiters and other “ordinary” followers of Jesus. Yet there was anything but ordinary about what happens when Philip proceeds to the bi-racial Samaritans.
The miraculous unfolds. Demons were cast out and paralytics were walking. The people were joyful as a result (8:8). But this wasn’t just a sideshow. This was yet another stage being set for many more to come to have faith in Jesus. People were believing and being baptized (8:12).
They bled...
Then fled...
And it was God’s intention that, from this persecution, His gospel would spread.
What unlikely scenario is God setting up in your life in order to spread the gospel to people you’ve yet to meet? Even persecution is setup to lift His name up.
Brace yourself for what God may do!