Knowing Jesus

Today’s reading: John 17

This is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. - John 17:3

The word used for know is ginosko in the Greek, and the following definition is on point:

“to learn to know a person through direct personal experience, implying a continuity of relationship” (Nida/Louw)

Is this how you would describe your relationship with God? Is it through a direct personal experience that shows continuity?

Consistency in seeking to know God has to be one of largest weaknesses we have as Christians. We are so up and down in our pursuit of the One who matters most.

When you have been the most steady in your pursuit of Jesus in the past, what has made the difference? For most of us, accountability was the catalyst, a being aware that someone we love would be checking in on our pursuit of Jesus.

If you are married, dating, or have a best friend — and that person isn’t keeping you on track, something isn’t right.

Knowing Jesus has to be number one, always.