Jesus is Here
Today’s reading: John 6:1-21
They were terrified, but He called out to them, “I am here! Don’t be afraid.” - John 6:19-20
This sequence is one of the most impressive during Jesus’ 3-year public ministry. He feeds five thousand men, plus women and children. Then he prays for most of the night, followed by a 3 to 4 mile walk on top of the water (during a storm).
As the disciples see Him approaching the boat (Mark records that He intended to pass them by, see Mk 6:48), they are φοβέω phobeō (afraid; fearful; frightened).
Have you been fearful lately?
Maybe we all need to hear Jesus’ words spoken to us as well:
“...when he begins to speak, we then obtain from his voice clear and solid knowledge, and then also joy and delightful peace dawn upon our minds. For there is great weight in these words.” - John Calvin
Relax your mind and body. Jesus is here with us, and He alone can calm the storm and bring us safely to shore. There is no circumstance that intimidates Him or that has Him rattled.