Hear + Believe

Today’s reading: John 4:4-42

Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves. Now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world. - Jn 4:42‬

Jesus takes time with this Samaritan woman at a well. He unpacks what Worship is going to look like in the Kingdom He is inaugurating. There would be no wrong place to worship, though there would be a wrong way (must be done in truth).

Jesus changes her life by meeting her where she was at in her sin and in her questioning.

Meanwhile, the disciples get a lesson on the harvest, and then they get a flesh and blood example. The woman at the well becomes a Samaritan evangelist, leading many to Jesus in order to hear and believe for themselves.

Jesus is calling us all to do evangelism the same way. He has prepared the way. Now all that’s left is to tell others what He has done for us, forgiving us and answering our own questions.

This is the only place John will use the word “Savior” (sōtēr) in his book. This isn’t just for Jews!