
Today’s reading: John 19:23-42

This report is from and eyewitness giving an accurate account; it is presented so that you also can believe. - John 19:35

All of the Messianic prophecies that Jesus fulfilled during his life and death are incredibly impressive and statistically improbable. Yet the further proof is found in the testimonies of eyewitnesses. Otherwise we have no real way to know that these events actually took place. John (the writer of this gospel) was one of those eyewitnesses.

This quote drives this home:

“When we couple John’s knowledge of Jesus’ personal conversations with these nearly sixty historically confirmed/historically probable details, is there any doubt that John was an eyewitness or at least had access to eyewitness testimony? It certainly seems to us that it takes a lot more faith not to believe John’s Gospel than to believe it.”

- Norman L. Geisler, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist

Soak this in. Your faith in Jesus is resting on undeniable and historical facts. When we believe, we can speak like the Woman at the Well’s converts in John 4:42:

“Now we believe because we have heard him ourselves, not just because of what you told us. He indeed is the Savior of the world.”