New Command

Today’s reading: John 13:31-38, 14:1-14

“So now I am giving you a new commandment...” - John 13:34

How is this a new commandment? Isn’t it one of the oldest ones? Isn’t this the commandment that Cain broke when he defiantly killed his brother, Abel? We know much of the command from the Old Testament. So, what is Jesus trying to telling us?
(He will repeat this “new commandment” again in 15:12)

The following quote speaks volumes to this:

In the OT the Israelites were commanded to love their neighbour as they loved themselves (Lev. 19:9-18), but Jesus said to his disciples, As I have loved you, so you must love one another. This raised the ante considerably. The measure of love for their neighbour was no longer their love for themselves, but Jesus’ love for them. (Colin Kruse)

This teaching is, of course, coming on the heels of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, and it shows the new standard Jesus was setting for his followers. We do not get our standard from others.

Our new love goal?
Unconditional, unwavering, truthful.