Today’s reading: John 8:31-59
“You are truly my disciples if...” - John 8:31
This last section in John 8 has to be the greatest rebuke that Jesus lays down on the Jewish leaders. He calls into question all of their unfounded confidence.
What speaks volumes are the the proofs that Jesus says are present in the lives of those who believe in Him. We would do well to take note and inventory in our own lives.
1) Faithfulness is proof (vs 31-32) >> This is getting up every day ready to take our orders from Jesus.
2) Freedom from sin is proof (vs 36) >> We aren’t perfect, but we are redeemed. We are set toward sanctification.
3) Craving the truth is proof (vs 44) >> We do not take the bait of lies. We know our enemy’s ways.
4) Listening to God’s words is proof (vs 47) >> There is no replacement for being teachable at Jesus’ feet.
5) Eternal life is proof (vs 51) >> We look forward with confident assurance.
6) Jesus being from before time existed is proof (vs 58) >> Jesus is our ultimate confirmation and defense. ✝️