Insulting Jesus

Today’s reading: John 2

“Passion for God’s house will consume me.” - John‬ ‭2:17‬

This is a quote from Psalm 69:9. A song sang in the very Temple in which Jesus has just gone wild.

I counted five actions from Jesus when he  here “cleansed” the temple (He would do so again, at the end of his public ministry, see Luke 19:45-48).

Made a whip

Chased them out of the Temple

Drove out the 🐑 and 🐂

Scattered the money changers coins

Turned over tables

Think Jesus was/is soft? Think again. The second half of Psalm 69:9 is: “Those who insult you, are insulting me.” Insulting the Father? You are insulting Jesus!

How are we directing our passionate energy?

Worshiping without distraction or pretentiousness is what Jesus valued. The noise and commerce was taking away from a focus on God’s presence.

What distractions can we remove to restore our passion for unpretentious worship?

Let’s keep ourselves from angering and insulting our Savior.

May Jesus, instead, see a mighty flood of justice!

Check out Amos 5:21-24.

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