Took the Body
Today’s reading: Luke 23:44-56, 24:1-12
Then he took the body down from the cross and wrapped it in a long sheet of linen cloth and laid it in a new tomb that had been carved out of rock. Lk 23:53
Amongst some of the most fragile, distanced, hypocritical, weak, and too-pious-to-eat-with-sinners group of religious people to ever live — stands Joseph of Arimethea (and as John tells us, Nicodemus; see John 19:39-42).
Joseph not only has the intestinal fortitude to ask Pilate for permission to take the body down from the cross, but he and Nicodemus personally see to it. Joseph was a part of the Jewish Supreme Court, the Sanhedrin (71 strong), and was more than likely missing from the unanimous vote to crucify Jesus.
Today I cannot escape the blood transferred from Jesus’ crucified body to Joseph’s vestment clothing. The transfer of the blood happened when he took a step of faith, allowing Jesus to be buried with respect and honor.
Jesus, I too want to be associated with you and your blood, no matter what the cost. Amen.