Seek, Then Save
Today’s reading: Luke 19:1-27
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Lk 19:10
The rescue plan of Jesus was not one that was activated from a distance with a text message, an email, or even a DM on Instagram. His rescue plan was delivered with his feet on the dusty streets of places like Jericho. He delivered it face to face, home to home, sinner to sinner.
It is clear that the personal touch is what transformed the notorious Zaccheus from his life of extortion to a life of repentance through restitution.
Throughout the Bible, saving has always been preceded by seeking. Jacob and the wrestling angel. Elijah hiding in the cave. David among the sheep. The calling of the disciples. The woman at the well. God is proactively seeking to save us.
Is this how we view evangelism?
Are we meeting people where they are or are we waiting for them to come to us?
After this pandemic lifts, we must be better with this. Even now. Who could we reach out to virtually in order to close the gap and seek the lost?