Obey the Master
Today’s reading: Luke 16:19-31, 17:1-10
So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’
Luke 17:10
When I think about myself, and when I think about God, what races through my mind? So many times it is me wanting to figure out how I can get God to answer my prayers the way that I want him to. Ultimately, I am the servant, and I need to be ready to obey my Master, no matter what.
What a great lesson for us when it comes to our prayer lives. The disciples asked to have more faith. Jesus said the cure was not in the amount of their faith, but a proper use of what they had. Jesus doesn’t need much (actually nothing) from us to do the impossible.
Joshua chapter 10 is such a good example of this. God guarantees victory, yet Joshua asks for more time in the midst of the battle. And God answers in a way that was (and is) rare (Joshua 10:14).
God, get us into the middle of your will, as servants, so that we can win for Your glory and renown.