Luke 15: Lost

Today’s reading: Luke 15

Luke 15:
One of the most well known, well loved, and easily applied places in all of the Bible.

Why? Maybe this parable has what we need to realize who we are and who Jesus is.

We have all squandered and wasted our time and energy on rebellion against God. (Romans 3:23)

Hopefully at some point we “came to our senses” and made a plan to return to our Creator. (Psalm 73:22)

Yet it is another thing altogether to put the plan into play and make the journey home. We can’t just leave it at a thought. (Acts 3:19)

The father sees his son and runs, hugs, kisses and celebrates him. Jesus says that this was driven by two things:

Love + Compassion

Only unconditional love and compassion can drive extravagant acts of grace. God has these in excess and so should we.

The father is bent on comparing the returning of his son to resurrection. “He was dead and now...” This what happens when we come home. (Rom 6:3-5, Eph 2:1-10)

The older brother needed to ask, “What if I had ran and returned?”

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