Vomit and Mud
Today’s reading: 2 Peter 2:1-22
“They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you.” - 2 Peter 2:19 NLT
The theme of this chapter is WARNING! ⚠️
We are not lacking for historical examples of people trying to do things their own way by “instinct.” (see verse 12) Peter reminds us of a few:
- The flood (Genesis 6)
- Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19)
- Balaam (Numbers 22)
Each of these instances had at least one person that stood out and did things God’s way: Noah, Lot, and Moses.
What was it that used to offer you freedom, but instead slapped heavy chains on your wrists? Whatever that was, the Devil will not quit with his temptations to turn back to it.
How should we think about these attractive lifestyles that go against following Jesus?
Vomit and mud.
Both stink. Both are useless. Why would we ever want to be enslaved to them? Why would we want to release control to something or someone who seeks our harm?
It is always best to choose Jesus as our Lord. He is motivated by His great love for us.