By His Wounds

Today's reading: 1 Peter 2:11-25, 3:1-7

"He personally carried away our sins in his own body on the cross so we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. You have been healed by his wounds." - 1 Peter 2:24 NLT

What was really happening while Jesus was hanging, exposed, and humiliated on the cross for those six hours? Sure, there was an earthquake, darkness, and dead people came out of their graves; the 30-foot tall curtain in the temple was also torn. Yet all of these were outward signs of what was really happening in the spiritual realm.

This verse in 1 Peter gives us a view as to what was really happening as Jesus suffered and died on the cross. He took on ALL of our sins IN His body 1,990-ish years ago. Our Savior's sacrifice is still doing the same work it was doing at the very beginning of the church.

What motivated Jesus to do something like this for us?

So we could finally die to sin.

So we could finally live lives of freedom.

So we could really be healed.

Jesus' wounds were not wasted. They have been pouring out restoration ever since. Now, may we turn and offer what we've been given to the entire world!

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