Loss as Gain

Today's reading: Philippians 3:4-21

'But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.' - Philippians 3:7

In this section of Philippians 3, we get a great picture of what Paul thought about repentance. He uses the same form of a Greek word three times, zemia 2X and zemioo 1X, in two verses. The idea behind these words is freely forfeiting what you previously had.

We all fear loss. Much of what we do is positioning ourselves to avoid it at all costs. Yet when we lose our former lives of selfishness and pride, it frees us up to receive salvation from the hand of God.

Augustine of Hippo said it well:

"God gives where he finds empty hands."

Are you looking back on your past as something you wish you still had, or are you refusing to look back, knowing that you are cheating hope if you do?

Paul said, "I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead."

All of our successes and failures don't deserve our attention. God is doing a new thing. Do you see it? (see Isaiah 43:18-19)

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